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Mountain Valley Baseball

Opening Day Parade & Ceremonies


Saturday,  April 6th (No Rain Date)

Opening Day Parade and Festivities

More information to come.

Parade begins at 11:00 am followed by Opening Day Festivities at Doub's Park. 
All Players and Coaches are to report to Myersville Elementary School no later than 10:30 a.m. to line up for the parade to Doub's Park. Players are to wear their uniforms and sneakers.

Concession stand will be open, and food trucks to include In10se BBQ, B The Chicken Man, and Waterfall Snowcones!

We will have merchandise for sale! 
Opening Day Raffle Tickets

As part of the Opening Day festivities this year, we will be holding a fundraiser for the Field Improvement Initiative and general operating funds for Mountain Valley Baseball.   

Twelve cash prizes, ranging from $100-$750 will be awarded –  winners do not have to be present to win.  Where applicable, winners who are not present on Opening Day will be notified by Mountain Valley Baseball and arrangements will be made to deliver the specific prize to each winner.

This is a critical fundraising event for Mountain Valley Baseball and ticket sales substantially assist in our efforts to accomplish our fundraising goals.

If you are interested in volunteering for this event please email [email protected] or [email protected]

Thank you for your support!

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