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Field Directions

Mountain Valley Baseball: Field Directions


Doubs Meadow Park
From Frederick and points east, take I-70 west to exit 42, Myersville. At exit go right onto Rt. 17 north (becomes Main St. in town). Just pass the town fire hall, follow Rt.17 north, which makes a right turn off of Main St. Doubs Park is located at the bottom of the hill on the right at the corner of Rt. 17 and Rt. 40.
Get Map to Doubs Meadow Park Doubs Meadow Park
Rt 17 and Rt 40
Myersville, Maryland 21773

Harp Field
From Frederick and points east, take I-70 west to exit 42, Myersville. At exit make right onto Rt. 17 north (becomes Main Street). Proceed on Main Street past the fire hall (DO NOT TURN right onto Rt.17 in town). Continue on Main Street and turn right onto Harp Place. The field is at the end of the street on the left. Parking is available next to the tennis courts adjacent to the field.

Get Map to Harp Field 100 Harp Place
Myersville, Maryland 21773

Wolfsville Ruritan Park

Get Map to Doubs Meadow Park 12708 Brandenburg Hollow Rd
Myersville, MD 21773


Angleberger Field (Frederick American)
From Route 15, exit at the Rosemont Ave. exit. Turn onto 2nd Street. Go about 1/4 mile. Field is on the right before you get to pond.

Get Map to Angleberger Field (Frederick American) W. 2nd Street at Magnolia Ave.
Baker Park
Frederick, Maryland 21701

Bennett Cerf Park (Westminster LL)
Rt 140 to Westminster, Rt 27 North to left on Bennett Cerf Drive, turn left into Bennett Cerf Park.

Get Map to Bennett Cerf Park (Westminster LL) Bennett Cerf Drive
Westminster, Maryland 21157

Brunswick High School
From Frederick, Take 340 West to Rte. 17 Exit Brunswick/Burkittsville. Enter round-about, take 3rd turn to go toward the Sheetz & McDonalds. (Rt 17 South) – go straight for approximately 3 miles (you will go through 3 roundabouts & 2 traffic lights) After 2nd light High School is on the Left, field is just past the school. Park in gravel lot in front of field.

Get Map to Brunswick High School 201 Cummings Drive
Brunswick, Maryland 21716

Crampton Field (South Mountain Little League)

Get Map to Crampton Field (South Mountain Little League) 6819 Monroe Rd
Boonsboro, Maryland

East West Park (Four County LL)
From Route 27 and I-70 – Take 27 North to Ridgeville Boulevard (RT144). Turn left onto Route 144 and go west towards New Market. Turn right at the light onto Main Street (Rt. 808) and go North for approximately 2 miles. Turn Left onto Prospect Road and travel west for approximately 1 mile. Turn right into the gravel road just past the American Legion. East/West Park is at the bottom of the hill.

Get Map to East West Park (Four County LL) 803 Prospect Road
Mt Airy, Maryland 21771

Emmitsburg Field
Emmitsburg Community Park.

Take Route 15 North past Mt. St. Mary’s College to South Seton Avenue (Getty Station on corner). Turn left on South Seton. Go 1 mile. Turn left next to ambulance hall. Go up all the way and bear left to the field.

Get Map to Emmitsburg Field Emmitsburg Community Park
Willow Drive
Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727

Grove Park (Hamilton and South Street)

Get Map to Grove Park (Hamilton and South Street) Hamilton Avenue and South Street
Frederick, Maryland

Grove Stadium / Loats Field

Get Map to Grove Stadium / Loats Field 21 Stadium Drive
Frederick, Maryland 21701

Heritage Park #4 (Walkersville)
- I-70 West to 15 North.
- 15 North through Frederick to Devilbliss Road turn right.
- Devilbiss Bridge Road until you come to Walkersville Heritage Farm Park on your left (Glade Elementary School will be on the right) approximately 2 miles.

Get Map to Heritage Park #4 (Walkersville) Devilbiss Bridge Road
Walkersville, Maryland 21793

Jefferson Field
From Frederick: Take 340 west from Frederick to Lander Road/Jefferson Exit
Make Left onto Lander Road - Go approximately 1.5 miles
Turn right TO CONTINUE on Lander Road to Stop Sign at MD Route 464
Turn right on MD Route 464 (Point of Rocks Road)
The school entrance is approximately 3/4 miles on the right.
Field is located at end of road though parking lot and up on the left....go though yellow gate.

Get Map to Jefferson Field 2940 Point of Rocks
Jefferson, Maryland 21755

Kemptown #4 (Monrovia)
Take MD 80 (Fingerboard Road) to Kemptown Church Rd.
Park is one mile on the right just behind Kemptown Elementary School.
Use school entrance to access park. Field is all the way in the back on the right.

Get Map to Kemptown #4 (Monrovia) 3456 Kemptown Church Rd
Monrovia, Maryland 21770

Leisner Field (Thurmont LL and 13-15 Babe Ruth)

Get Map to Leisner Field (Thurmont LL and 13-15 Babe Ruth) 275 Westview Drive
Thurmont, Maryland 21788

LOUYAA Park (New Market)

Get Map to LOUYAA Park (New Market) 1600 Royal Oak Drive
New Market, Maryland

Marvin E. Younkins Memorial Field (Brunswick Little League)
Take route 17E from Route 340 out of Frederick, when Route 17 turns right go straight ahead on Route 464 to Cummings Drive. Park at the High School across the street. Minor field is located past the major field at the end of the road.

Get Map to Marvin E. Younkins Memorial Field (Brunswick Little League) 1 Cummings Drive
Brunswick, Maryland 21716

Max Kehne Memorial Park (East Frederick LL)
Exit Route 15 at 7th Street. The park is directly across the street from the exit of Route 15. Lighted Field in the back.

Get Map to Max Kehne Memorial Park (East Frederick LL) 1100 7th Street
Frederick, Maryland 21701

Mayeski Park (Sykesville)
From I-70 take MD-27 North about 6 miles, turn right onto MD-26 East, go about 2.5 miles and turn left into the park just prior to Winfield Fire Dept. and South Carroll HS, follow the road by the stadium and then bear right to the back parking lot. The 90' diamond is up the hill to your left.

Get Map to Mayeski Park (Sykesville) 1390 West Old Liberty Road
Sykesville, Maryland 21784

McCurdy Field (Frederick)
Directions from Route 15:
Take the Jefferson Street exit. Turn right onto Scholl’s Lane. Parking lot on the left.

Get Map to McCurdy Field (Frederick) 209 S Jefferson St
Frederick, Maryland 21701

Middletown Field
From Rt 270 South of Frederick:
270 North to 70 West
ALT 40 West (left at light onto Rt 40) towards Middletown/Braddock Heights
Pass Safeway and CVS 2nd right onto Coblentz Road
Left into Middletown Park
Travel to end of park - Field is on the right side of the concession stand
From Rt 40 (Frederick)
Rt 40, veer left onto Alt 40 west
Pass under Rt. 70
Pass Safeway and CVS 2nd right onto Coblentz Road
Left into Middletown Park
Travel to end of park -Field is on the right side of the concession stand

Get Map to Middletown Field 7628 Coblentz Road
Middletown, Maryland 21769

Murphy Field (South Mountain Little League)

Get Map to Murphy Field (South Mountain Little League) 6819 Monroe Rd
Boonsboro, Maryland

Old National Pike Field (Mt. Airy)
Take I-70 East to Rt. 75 North (exit 62).
Proceed North, approximately 1/4 mile to Rt. 144 East (Old National Pike).
Park is on the left approximately 1 mile.
Field is at top of hill on the Left

Get Map to Old National Pike Field (Mt. Airy) 12406 Old National Pike
Mt. Airy, Maryland 21771

Owens Park (Beallsville)
From Frederick: Take RT 270 S to Exit 31B MD 85 S (Buckeystown Pike) Continue straight onto MD 28 E (Dickerson RD) 2 miles turn left onto Rt 109 N (Beallsville Rd)

Get Map to Owens Park (Beallsville) 19900 Beallsville Road
Beallsville, Maryland 20839

Riverwalk Park

Get Map to Riverwalk Park 1901 Schifferstadt Blvd
Frederick, Maryland 21701

Russell Windsor Field (Four County LL)
From Route 75 at New Market turn East onto Route 144. Go about 1.5 miles. Turn left on Jesse Smith Road, immediately turn left again at Church of Nazerene, field is on left.

Get Map to Russell Windsor Field (Four County LL) 12350 Jesse Smith Road
Mt Airy, Maryland 21771

Smithsburg Lions Community Park
Smithsburg on RT 77, at bottom of mountain at Rt 77 & RT 64 intersection make right of
RT 64 east. Go 2 miles till you see Bikle Road. Turn left on Bikle Road go 200 feet park
entrance is on left.
From Frederick: take I70 west to exit #35 Smithsburg / Boonsboro exit RT 66. From I70
take RT 66 north toward Smithsburg. 5 miles from the interstate you will run into 1st
traffic light at RT 64. Make right onto RT 64 east. Three miles you will see Bikle Road.
Turn left on Bikle Road go 200 feet park entrance is on left.

Get Map to Smithsburg Lions Community Park 12835 Bikle Road
Smithsburg, Maryland 21783

South County Little League 

Get Map to South Germantown Recreational Park (Field C) Boonsboro Complex
6819 Monroe Rd
Boonsboro, Maryland 20841

Get Map to South Germantown Recreational Park (Field C) Sharpsburg Complex
West High St
Sharpsburg, Maryland 21782

South Germantown Recreational Park (Field C)

Get Map to South Germantown Recreational Park (Field C) 14501 Schaeffer Rd
Boyds, Maryland 20841

Staley Park (Frederick National)
From Route 15, get off at Motter Ave. towards downtown. Go to 13th Street. Turn left. Cross N, Market St. to Staley Avenue Turn right. Park 500 feet on the left.

Get Map to Staley Park (Frederick National) 1201 Staley Ave.
Frederick, Maryland 21701

Taneytown Memorial Park
Take 26 to 194. 194 straight to Taneytown. At the square (only light), turn left. Approximately 3 blocks on the left is Taneytown Memorial Park. Turn in to the park and the ball field will be right in front of you. You should park some place before you get to the right field fence and walk down.

Get Map to Taneytown Memorial Park Md Rt 140 at Park Drive
Taneytown, Maryland 21787

Taylor Field (Boyds)
From I-270:
Exit at MD Route 121 West. Proceed on Rte 121 approx. 4 miles,
until it ends at MD Route 117 (Clopper Road). Pass under the railroad bridge and turn right onto White Ground Road. Follow road for approximately 1 mile. Fields are on the left.
From Poolesville:
Route 107 (Whites Ferry Road) East towards Germantown. Turn left onto Sugarland Road, left onto Route 28 (Darnestown Road) and then immediate right onto White Ground Road. Follow road for approximately 4 miles. Fields are on the right.

Thurmont Little League Fields
All fields are marked by division of play. Majors Field, Minors Field, Instructional Field (Machine Pitch)

Get Map to Thurmont Little League Fields 275 Westview Drive
Thurmont, Maryland 21788

Union Bridge Community Park
Take Rt 75 North out of Libertytown. Once in Union Bridge, turn right on E. Locust St. Follow street up the hill to fork in road. Take the left fork (Ladiesburg Rd.) Field is on the left.

Urbana District Park #5
Take I270 South to exit #26 to Fingerboard Rd. Bear right off the exit Take MD 355 North (Urbana Pike). Park is just after the Urbana Elementary School on the right

Get Map to Urbana District Park #5 3805 Urbana Pike
Frederick, Maryland 21704

Urbana Field
Rt 355 South past FSK mall - as you come into Urbana the Fire Company is on your right past the Urbana Park and the Elementary school is on your right. Turn Right into the school parking lot and park on the right side parking lot - the field is behind the elementary school back next to Rt 270.

Get Map to Urbana Field 3554 Urbana Pike
Frederick, Maryland

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